The New Year with a Positive Mindset

Alan White
Wellness Consultant
As we begin a new year, yet again in difficult circumstances, it can be difficult to regain focus on our lives and the positive changes we would like to make. A lot of people might be struggling to regain their motivation to make positive changes in their lives as well as remain fully engaged in both their personal and professional lives.
The mindset we develop for ourselves is a key factor in our success. A positive and resilient mindset will help us to overcome challenges, build strong relationships and help us stay focused and motivated.
However, often when we begin a new year it can be easy to become overwhelmed and stressed about our careers, our personal lives, and the changes we would like to make. Very often we perceive our success in life relative to others and criticise ourselves for not being more successful than we are, despite the many successes we may have achieved over the years.
The mindset we create will determine whether we become our own biggest critic and sabotage our own attempts to progress in our lives or it can be the source of motivation, resilience and strength that allows us to grow, achieve our goals and celebrate the successes we work hard to achieve. There are a number of things that we can do to ensure that we develop a positive mindset and maintain it in the long term.
Finding Motivation.
Motivation can be one of the most difficult things to find when trying to develop a positive mindset. The thought of achievement in our lives or progression in our careers is great but actually finding the motivation to begin can be extremely challenging. Most of us think that motivation works in a linear, defined way. We have an idea of what we want to achieve, we become motivated to achieve it, work towards its and eventually succeed. However, this is rarely the case.

When feeling lethargic or overwhelmed we quickly become unmotivated. To counteract this, it is important to first take action. Taking small steps at first will help create some positive emotion, as when we feel like we are making progress, no matter how small, we feel good about ourselves. By taking enough small steps we begin to build a momentum of success which will help us to develop long term motivation that will sustain us through the inevitable ups and downs we experience when we are working towards something.
Problem Solve.
One of the most important skills we can develop in our personal and professional lives is the ability to problem-solve. Obstacles and problems are inevitable, it is how we respond to them that determines our mindset. Many people become overwhelmed and stressed in the face of adversity. Being able to remain calm and solution-focused, in challenging situations is a skill that will not only benefit your own life but will help others too.
However, it is important to start small when it comes to problem-solving. Begin by identifying small tasks that you could easily resolve but have been putting off for whatever reason. Then gradually build up to solving more complex problems. We all admire the person who can resolve problems that arise. By developing this skill, you are both developing a mindset that will maintain progress and growth as well as helping other people around you.
Personal planning is a vital area that we often overlook when we are trying to progress in our lives. We plan our days, our work, and our social lives but we fail to plan how to achieve the goals that we set for ourselves. To maintain a positive mindset and avoid becoming too stressed and overwhelmed it’s important to plan properly.

What this means is taking the time to reflect on where you are now. The skills that you already have, what you would like to achieve and the new skills you will need to develop in order to achieve this. By reflecting on the skills, you already have before identifying new skills, is using a strengths-based approach. This highlights the skills you have that you take for granted and shows that you have achieved far more already than you give yourself credit for. This will help you to remain motivated when developing new skills and abilities.
Learning is key to a positive mindset. When we return to learning when we are in our careers, we have an opportunity to challenge the assumptions and beliefs we have already developed and look at new ways of looking at things as well as new ways of doing things.
Learning can be either formal or informal. Returning to education and taking on a new course of study is a great way to develop your potential. However, learning in your job or taking on a short course can also be beneficial. When it comes to motivation and personal and professional growth. Lifelong learning will help sustain this and help you to develop a sense of purpose and agency over your future.
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