commuting to work post covid

Commuting to Work Post Covid Gemma Doyle EHF Consultant EazySAFE Over the coming weeks and months, many employees will return to their place of work. After over a year or half of working remotely, a lot of employees will have a shock to the system, when they return to commuting to work!  There are many perks to working from home and remotely, one of them being no commute. Having no commute to work has its…

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Vaccinating against Workplace issues

Vaccinating against Workplace issues LISA QUINN O'FLAHERTY Solicitor Fitzsimons Redmond As businesses reopen, and employers contemplate bringing workers back to the physical workplace, there remains a duty to ensure a safe place of work for all employees and the people who come onto their premises. Precautions must be taken to protect workers and others from contracting Covid-19. One way of ensuring this is done safely is to request that all employees avail of a Covid-19 vaccination. It must be noted that the Department of Enterprise,…

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A Checklist for Wellbeing

A Checklist for Wellbeing  Alan White Wellness Consultant EazySAFE As we begin to return to normality, many of us are looking forward to doing the things that we used to enjoy, like meeting friends and colleagues, socialising and visiting places we haven’t been able to for a long time. For some it will mean the return to the workplace too.  This is a very positive development for all of us, however when it comes to our…

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Advice for employees working in the outdoors

Advice for employees working in the outdoors  Gemma Doyle EHF Consultant EazySAFE Working outside in the fresh air most definitely has its bonuses, especially when the sun is shining! It does however come with risks and hazards that indoor worker never have to consider.   Outdoor employees, who are they?   Construction workers  Farmers  Gardeners  Environmental scientists/geologists/conservation workers/park rangers Outdoor employees are exposed to many types of hazards that depend on their type of work:   geographic location  season  duration of time spent outside …

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Psychological Safety in the Workplace

Psychological Safety in the Workplace ALAN WHITE Wellness Consultant EazySAFE Psychological safety within organisations is when people feel comfortable being themselves and that they won’t be criticised for speaking their mind or sharing ideas. Our physical safety in the workplace is a vital element of an excellent working environment, but for people to truly reach their potential they also need to feel psychologically safe.   When we feel psychologically safe in any environment we are able to be creative, take moderate risks…

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The Right to Disconnect

The Right to Disconnect LISA QUINN O'FLAHERTY Solicitor Fitzsimons Redmond Ready access to technology, coupled with the steep rise in remote and hybrid work, has allowed the lines between work life and home life to become blurred. Many workers will check in on emails and take calls outside of their usual working hours. While flexibility from both employees and employers is particularly appreciated in times of crisis, an expectation to be always available can lead to stress and burn-out for employees.   …

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Workplace Wellbeing the Eazy Way

Workplace Wellbeing the Eazy Way RACHEL BOYLE Sales Manager EazySAFE Friday 30th April is Workplace Wellbeing Day in Ireland and EazySAFE are proud to support and promote this national day of wellness of workers. As part of the Safety, Health and Welfare Act of 2005, 'welfare' is often the most overlooked. While physical health is more obvious, this year more than ever it's important to recognise the aspect of mental health. In EazySAFE we prefer…

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Do you have work-life balance?

Do you have work-life balance? GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE 2021 Note from the Editor: During the COVID-19 pandemic, we are all working differently and finding that balance between work and life is increasingly more difficult. With lockdown, employees are struggling to switch off as our home is now our workplace. There will always be another email to send, another task to do, another "it'll only take a minute".. The below is a post from…

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remote working

A Year of Remote Working GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE Here we are, nearly a year later, in the same situation as we were last year. Hard to believe we are still in this predicament. Hard to believe that working from home has now become the “norm”. Working from home, a mode traditionally viewed with suspicion by bosses and envy by commuting highflyers, has now become the “norm” for those whose livings are dominated by computer…

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diverse and inclusive workplace

Is your workplace Diverse AND Inclusive?  TONY MANGAN EHS Consultant EazySAFE Businesses are becoming more aware of how having a diverse and inclusive workforce is crucial to their success. The workforce is rapidly changing. The world is becoming more multi-cultural, peoples working lives are expanding, access to education and training is diversifying.   Hiring managers should be aware of legislation relevant to having a basic level of non-discrimination in the workplace: the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2015, and the Equal Status Acts 2000 to 2015. According to this legislation, discrimination is defined as 'treating someone in a…

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