Behaviour Based Safety – The Basic Principles
Behaviour Based Safety - The Basic Principles GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE Safety research over the last few decades has been consistent in showing that human error is the main contributing factor in most accidents in the workplace. Famous accidents like the Titanic and the Bhopal Gas Tragedy prove this when you review the investigation and the root cause. Knowing this, it would be remiss of any company not to include a Behaviour Based…
Engaging Staff in EHS
Engaging Staff in EHS Engaging staff in the area of EHS is no mean feat, as I am sure any seasoned EHS Manager would tell you. It’s a tough challenge for sure and an area that you will need to keep coming back to and in some cases, reinvent the wheel. To be fair, it’s a big part of the role of an EHS Manager and if done well, can ensure that your company is…
Driving safety: Prevent workplace accident
Driving safety: Prevent workplace accident Among work-related accidents, road accidents are generally the most serious. Driver safety is not only a concern for professional drivers, but also for all working people who use their cars to get to work. Road accidents can have both irreversible consequences for the worker and his or her family and can be detrimental to the company's business. It is therefore essential to assess these risks and implement actions to limit…
Psychological Safety in the Workplace
Psychological Safety in the Workplace Psychological safety within organisations is when people feel comfortable being themselves and that they won’t be criticised for speaking their minds or sharing ideas. Our physical safety in the workplace is a vital element of an excellent working environment, but for people to truly reach their potential they also need to feel psychologically safe. When we feel psychologically safe in any environment we are able to be creative, take moderate…
Promote safety practice in the workplace
Promote safety practice in the workplace Around the world, nearly 2/3 of accidents at work are linked to behavioural problems (violation of procedures, failure to comply with safety rules, errors, etc.). It is therefore logical to think that changing these behaviours will reduce the number of accidents. But how can we recognise them? How can we transform them so that our professional sphere becomes safer? And how can we deal with those who, aware of…
How to avoid common health and safety issues in the workplace?
How to avoid common health and safety issues in the workplace? Work-related injuries and illnesses can have serious effects on the lives of workers and their families, as well as on their employers. According to the International Labour Organization, more than 370 million people are injured or become ill in work-related accidents every year. The institution estimates that the cost of working days lost due to health and safety issues amounts to almost 4 per…
Winter Wellness for Employees
Winter Wellness for Employees GEMMA COLLINS EHS Consultant EazySAFE Well, it’s that time of the year again, where you may hear a chorus of sniffles and coughs as you walk through any workplace (and if you are like me, hold your breath and hope you don’t catch what they have!) As an employer, you want a happy, healthy workforce and I am pretty sure you don’t like getting those 9 am phone calls when one…
VDU Assessment – Are you sitting comfortably?
VDU Assessment - Are You Sitting Comfortably? GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE One of my favourite parts of my job, as a health and safety consultant, is carrying out VDU assessments for people. Why? Because a difference can be made almost immediately! Such simple changes can help people sit more comfortably, ease any pain they are experiencing and create a better working environment. What are the legal requirements? Many employees or even employers…
Safe, Seen and Supported. Highlighting Mental Health in the Workplace.
Safe, Seen and Supported. Highlighting Mental Health in the Workplace. Alan White Wellness Consultant EazySAFE On World Mental Health day, it is important that we stop and reflect on the significance of such a day. A day when what was once a hidden and stigmatised topic are encouraged to be discussed in all walks of life. It is fantastic that such a day exists and that the conversation is becoming normalised. However mental health awareness…
Hybrid Work Model
Hybrid Work Model GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE In 2020 the world changed, in so many ways. While there were many negatives to what we have all had to deal with in the last two years, there is definitely some positives too. One of those positives (for most employees) was the ability to work from home. As workplaces start to reopen, companies are finding that their employees are not eager to give up working…