Working from home: During the COVID 19 Pandemic and Into the Future GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE As I write this, we are in the second week of our schools and business being closed and ironically, I am writing this article from my own home office, while my significant other takes his turn to watch our three children! No one could have foreseen these drastic but necessary measures that would come into place on…

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Advices for remote workers
employés dans un environnement de travail

Air Quality in the Workplace and the Impact on Worker Well-being GEMMA COLLINS DOYLE EHS Consultant EazySAFE “Clean air is considered to be a basic requirement of human health and well-being. However, air pollution continues to pose a significant threat to health worldwide.”  (WHO 2005) Believe it or not, the quality of the air in your office area is extremely important. When we think about air pollutants, we usually think about those found outside whether in…

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inclusive workspace

Injured and Disabled Employees: Getting them back to work TONY MANGAN EHS Consultant EazySAFE Have you ever thought you could break a leg or arm on a skiing holiday or falling down the stairs? How about becoming more disabled? Perhaps a stroke? You could acquire a debilitating progressive disease like Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson. Or maybe this has happened to one of your employees. And then again, not all disabilities are obvious; mental health issues,…

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Young woman feeling stressed on a pink background

Why Managers Should Listen to Understand, Not Respond ALAN WHITE Wellness Consultant EazySAFE When we think of stress, we immediately think of the negative consequences that it can have on our mental and physical health. Stress and its’ related physical symptoms is a leading cause of employee absenteeism and as a result can cost organisations a considerable amount annually. Developing strategies that empowers employees to manage their stress can help managers create teams that are…

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Man working remotely

We are living in an age where technology is advancing at an amazing speed. To see how far we have come even in the last twenty years, it’s pretty impressive! If we just look at how this has affected the area of work, we can see that these advances have made it possible for us …

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safety first

The general term safe systems of work has been in the safety lexicon for some time, referring to any arrangements that allow work activities to take place that effectively manage risk. The term appears in safety legislation in a number of countries and an internet search will uncover literally hundreds of thousands of references.

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employees in office environment

The office is not the first place you would think of when you think of safety at work! Office places would not usually fall into the high-risk category, but this does not mean that no hazards exist here. Let’s take a closer look. A job where most work tasks are carried out while sitting in a chair in a climate-controlled office would …

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health and safety statement

The term safety statement is used to describe a document which summarises how an Irish company manages risk and provides an opportunity for company management to show commitment to their employees that workplace risk is effectively managed.

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Personnal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is one of the most useful, but also the most misunderstood risk control measures available in the workplace. The correct PPE can provide very robust barriers to hazards but it must be used in the right context which unfortunately is not always the case in the workplace.

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